Tempish Skate Bearing Cleaner

Tempish Skate Bearing Cleaner

Useful tool to help clean even the smallest dirt from your bearings.

4953 Ft

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Tempish Skate Bearing Cleaner

The bearing cleaner allows us to remove even the tiniest particles from our bearings separately with a suitable cleaning fluid.

Acetone, technical naphtha or denatured alcohol are recommended for cleaning bearings.

Cleaning fluid is not included in the package.

How to use

  1. Remove dust cover carefully (only if it is removable)
  2. Fill the bottle up ½ of the way with Acetone, technical petrol or denatured alcohol.
  3. Place bearings on axles and insert bearing holder into the bottle and seal the cup.
  4. Shake well.
  5. Leave the bottle on straight surface for 5 minutes.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 two more times.
  7. Take bearing holder out of the bottle and take bearings off.
  8. Dry bearings well.
  9. Lubricate bearings with 2 drops of il.